Why now?

There has been no time like right now. We’re experiencing a multi-layered perfect storm – and an amazing opportunity!

  1. Trust is being rebuilt, but not in the old ways. With the essential destruction of trust in the business world, there are new ways business is being measured, and how trust is now being built and maintained. Again, backed by data such as Edelman’s 2012 Trust Barometer, the growing number of companies reporting their efforts via formal CSR reports to the growing number of certified B-Corp businesses, finding ways to become and remain trustworthy all feeds into flourishing, on purpose.
  2. Less is now more – once again. Balanced emotional, social and psychological health are no longer being taken for granted, or taken lightly. People are rethinking their pace, their rhythm and even how much they volunteer in their local communities. Keeping up with the Joneses is being replaced with a balanced approach to work, play, family and community. Yes, flourishing, on purpose.
  3. WIIFM to WITT. Thankfully, we’re making the turn from “what’s in it for me” to “we’re in this together” and not a minute too soon.

A growing number of really smart, talented people (maybe including you?) are waking up and saying “there simply has to be more than this!” They’re asking themselves and their closest allies, “Where can I/we have the most impact? How can I/we do good, do well and have fun doing it?”

I, for one, am very thankful for this turn. Not only does it matter to me personally, it matters to my community at large. A healthy community is full of people who are flourishing, on purpose.

The Millennials are coming! No, it’s not cause to tuck and run. It’s cause to celebrate and to recognize this inflow of talent and the values with which they associate. By 2020, over half the workforce in the US will be Millennials, and they’re not willing to accept “business as usual” as even a possibility. They think flourishing, on purpose is part of the deal!

New tribes are forming. And, instead of the familiar ways of the past of selecting where to live, work and play, people are making those choices with far clearer intent, more focus and using a very different perspective to make those decisions. Those who are flourishing are seeking others who are too. Healthy, wealthy and wise, seeking same. Are you being sought? Are you flourishing, on purpose?

Sustainability is clearly (finally!) shifting from bolted on to baked in, and it’s no longer just about the environment! It was never just about the environment, or green buildings or special logos on products. Not that there’s anything wrong with being environmentally responsible – just not at the cost of the other parts of the triple bottom line. Sustainability made a beachhead in the environmental sector – the planet part of the equation – and thankfully so. It opened the discussion to pay attention, once again, to things which matter. A balanced, triple bottom line matters. It’s genuine sustainability. True sustainability is a virtual 1:1 overlay for flourishing, on purpose.

So, how do you know if you’re flourishing?

And, if not, how do you get (and stay) there? Like anything else – use a tool to measure current state, and go from there. I’m happy to share with you how I go about helping others do just that. Let’s visit and discuss.