Individual coaching

If we don’t currently have a relationship, we’ll need to visit first to see if we’re a fit. Yes, really. We’ll spend up to a half hour exploring, and can be done in person or via video conference. There is at no charge for referrals. If you just found me via random means, please go visit my LinkedIn profile and find someone who will refer you. Seriously.

Available for $235 per 55-minute session (minus any discount for which you qualify) and includes email support for two weeks after each scheduled session. Just so I have a life too, these visits have to be scheduled (at least 3 days in advance, and up to 30 days in the future) and paid at the time of scheduling (if not prepaid). If you’re willing to commit to multiple sessions (if you’re genuinely committed to the long haul), you may pay for sessions in advance and enjoy a discount. Just raise your hand and we’ll discuss.

These sessions are available via one of three forms:

  1. In person, in downtown Decatur – we can visit over coffee, or enjoy a “walk ‘n talk” session, weather permitting – the latter of which being my preference since our minds engage on a totally different level when we’re in motion. We can always audio record anything of major consequence (yes, you may freely use your phone for that use during our time together…).
  2. Via online video conference. I’m not a fan of phone coaching. I want to see your face and feel connected to you. So, unless you flat out can’t do a video conference call, I’m not going to do phone-only time with you (unless, of course, it’s a Paula 911SM  call – sometimes there’s not just time to find the right setting).
  3. I can come to you. If estimated travel time is more than 15 minutes from downtown Decatur, you’ll be asked to cover the time one way (at least) and maybe more. (Yes, if you live in Savannah, for example, overnight accommodations are required.) Seriously, if this is an option which best suits you, we’ll find a way to make it work. Just please be kind to me about traffic times when you make the request.